MV Creation Logo in white instead of the usual black

155 rue cents
L-1319 Luxembourg
+352 31 61 61 1


Acceptance of the conditions of use of this site.
You are connected to the site of MV Creation SA.


Registered office:
155 rue Cents
L-1319, Luxembourg

Tel: +352 691 137 275

Technical contact
Marc Wilmes Design S.à r.l.


This website is subject to Luxembourgish legislation.
MV Creation commits itself to respect all Luxembourgish laws and regulations governing the management of the website.
Please note that the confidentiality of correspondences is not guaranteed on the internet network and that every user shall take appropriate steps to protect
their own data and/or softwares from contamination by potential viruses circulating on the internet.

Personal data

Access to some pages on the site is subject to prior registration of some personal data concerning the users. MV Creation only stores data which is useful in the context of the provision of its services, either on electronic media or in any other form.
The personal data that the users disclose to MV Creation is confidential, and will not be transmitted under any circumstances to third parties without their prior consent, and only in accordance with the provisions of Luxembourg law concerning privacy of correspondance.
MV Creation undertakes to make every endeavour to ensure that the personal data supplied by site users is transmitted via a secure means, but reminds users that secrecy of correspondence is not guaranteed on the internet.
Users accept that any use of the site is made under their own responsibility.
In accordance with the legislation on protection of personal data, users have the right to access and correct the data concerning them. They may exercise these rights by sending a written request to MV Creation at the address mentioned above, enclosing a copy of their identity card.
Users of this site are informed that during their access to this site, information may be stored temporarily in memory or on their computer equipment, particularly to facilitate navigation on the site (“cookies”). Users of this site acknowledge that they have been informed of this practice, and authorise the Bank to use it.
By disclosing their telephone number(s) or their e-mail address on MV Creation site, users accept that MV Creation may provide them with information, either by telephone or by e-mail.
Users who have asked to receive information by SMS or other means of communication which entail charges, declare that they will pay any charges billed to them.


All trade marks, logos or items appearing on the pages of this site are the exclusive property of MV Creation. Any reproduction, representation or dissemination, in full or in part, of the content of this site on whatever medium or by whatever process it may be, constitutes an infringement of copyright and is prohibited without the express authorisation of MV Creation.
The creation of hypertext links to this site is subject to the prior consent of MV Creation.

External links

This website may feature links to websites which are not managed by MV Creation. These external links are for information purposes only. If you visit these websites, we recommend that you read their respective privacy policies carefully. MV Creation may not be held responsible for the confidentiality policies or content of these websites, or for the practices of their administrators.

Cookie policy

What are cookies?
Cookies are small text files used to track the surfer’s web behaviour. Cookies are widely used to make websites work, improve the navigation experience and provide information to the website owners.

What types of cookies do we use?
First party Cookies
These cookies are saved by our websites and are only read by the website which saved them.
The cookies in this category are used to check the technical settings of your browser and to record your preferences as identified during a previous visit to the website. Their purpose is to ensure you enjoy an optimal experience.
For example, we will record your decision to accept our use of cookies on the website, so that the question will not be raised every time you visit the website.

Third party Cookies
These cookies are saved by third parties, for instance Google Analytics and Mixpanel to establish statistics, YouTube for videos, Facebook to optimise targeting of our activities on the network and other social sharing networks when the social sharing services are activated, …

Use of Google Maps
This website uses the Google Maps API to display geographical information visually. By using Google Maps some data concerning the use of map functionalities by the user are collected, processed and used by Google ( Google LLC., 1600 Amphitheatre Parkway, Mountain View, California, 94043). You will find further information regarding the processing of data by Google in Google’s privacy policy which can be found here: Through the use of Google Maps API, information regarding the use of the website as well as your anonymized and shortened IP adress are transmitted and saved to one of Google’s servers in the USA. We draw your attention to the fact that security levels concerning personal data protection vary considerably between Europe and the USA. If you do not wish to use the Google Maps API, you can deactivate Javascript in your web browser. By continuing using these services you agree to the data transmission to Google.

Terms governing cookie management and opt-out
With regards to functionality cookies, internet-users may change their internet browser’s settings at any time in order to manage or even deactivate the installation of these cookies and to remove or block them:

Give or refuse consent

When users visit our website for the first time, they are informed of the use of cookies via an information statement. If the user continues his/her browsing on the website after reading this statement, we assume that he/she has agreed to the placing and use of cookies, in compliance with legal regulations. However, this decision can be reversed at any time by opposing the use of cookies via the internet browser settings.

Purpose of the processing

This website is using the open source web analytics platform Matomo.
Matomo is used to analyse the behaviour of the website visitors to identify potential pitfalls like not found pages, search engine indexing issues or which contents are the most appreciated. Once the data (number of visitors reaching a not found page, viewing only one page…) is processed, Matomo is generating reports for website owners to take action (changing the layout of the pages, publishing some fresh content, etc.)

Additionally this website provides a contact form which allows you to send us a direct request and allows us to answer it to your Email address.

Matomo is processing the following personal data:

  • Cookies
  • Anonymized IP address (last two bytes removed)
  • Location of the user based on the anonymized IP address
  • Pseudonymised User ID
  • Date and time
  • Title of the page being viewed
  • URL of the page being viewed
  • URL of the page that was viewed prior to the current page
  • Screen resolution
  • Time in local time zone
  • Files that were clicked and downloaded
  • Link clicks to an outside domain
  • Pages generation time
  • Country, region, city
  • Main language of the browser
  • User Agent of the browser

The processing of personal data with Matomo is based on legitimate interests.
If you wish us to not process any personal data with Matomo, you can opt-out from it at any time. There will be no consequences at all regarding the use of our website.

Contact Form
The contact form processes the Email address and optionally phone number of the user on sending a request. The data won’t be shared with anyone and only be used to send you one response. (No other marketing emails)

The legitimate interests

Processing your personal data is helping us identify what is working and what is not on our website. For example, it helps us identify if the way we are communicating is engaging or not and how we can organize the structure of the website better. Our team is benefiting from the processing of your personal data and they are directly acting on the website. By processing your personal data, you can profit from a website which is getting better and better.
Without the data, we would not be able to provide you the service which we are currently offering to you. Your data will be used only to improve the user experience on our website.

Recipient of the personal data

The personal data received through Matomo are sent to:

  • Our company
  • Our technical contact: Marc Wilmes Design S.à.r.l.
  • Our web hosting provider: Neue Medien Münnich GmbH (ALL-INKL.COM )

Details of transfers to third country and safeguards

The website and Matomo data is hosted in Germany and is never going to leave the EU.

Retention period of the data

We are keeping the personal data stored within Matomo for a period of 13 months.

Data subject’s rights

As Matomo is processing personal data on legitimate interests, you can exercise the following rights:

  • Right of access and data portability: you can ask us at any time to access your data.
  • Right to erasure and rectification: you can ask us at any time to delete all the data we are processing about you.
  • Right to object and restrict processing: you can object to the tracking of your data by enabling the “DoNotTrack” option in your browser.

The right to lodge a complaint with a supervisory authority

If you think that the way we process your personal data with Matomo is infringing the law, you have the right to lodge a complaint with a supervisory authority.


The user accepts responsibility for any access to the site or any use made thereof. MV Creation will not be liable for direct or indirect losses that may arise out of the use of the site and in connection with the interruption, stoppage or malfunctioning of the site especially as may arise out of stoppages for maintenance purposes or in order to update, technical breakdowns or network overloads, cuts in telephone communications, errors, negligence or fault on the part of internet service suppliers or third parties or due to a virus spread on the internet.